With the World Day of the Sick

With the World Day of the Sick


On the occasion of XXXII. On the World Day of the Sick, as well as the celebration of our Mother of God, Our Lady of Lourdes… patroness of the sick, whom we have influenced these days through the novena, we bring the Letter of St. John Paul II, the pope he appointed then (May 13, 1992 year) to Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, President of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care for Health Personnel, and at the same time for the institution of the World Day of the Sick. We transmit the letter in its entirety…

Dear Brother Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Workers

1. Welcoming your request, as president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Professionals, and also as an interpreter of the expectations of numerous bishops’ conferences and national and international Catholic organizations, I would like to inform you that I have decided to establish the “World Day of the Sick”, which will be celebrated 11. february every year, on the liturgical commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes. In fact, I consider it more appropriate than ever to extend to the entire church community an initiative that has already been launched in some countries and regions and that has brought truly precious pastoral fruits.

2. The Church, modeled after Christ, throughout the centuries has always felt the duty of serving the sick and suffering as an integral part of its mission (Dolentium Hominum, 1), she is aware that “in love and generosity with every human life, especially if it is weak and sick, today she is experiencing a fundamental moment in her mission” (Christifideles Laici, 38). Furthermore, he does not cease to emphasize the salvific nature of the sacrifice of suffering, which, lived in communion with Christ, belongs to the very essence of Redemption (see Redemptoris Missio, 78). The annual celebration of the “World Day of the Sick” therefore has a clear goal – to make God’s people aware, and consequently numerous Catholic health institutions and civil society itself, of the need to provide the best care for the sick; to help the sick to valorize, on a human, and above all on a supernatural level, suffering; to involve dioceses, Christian communities and religious families in health pastoral care in a special way; encourage an increasingly valuable commitment to volunteering; to recall the importance of spiritual and moral education of healthcare workers and, finally, to better understand the importance of religious assistance to the sick by diocesan and regular priests, as well as those who live and work alongside those who suffer.

3. As I have 11. in february1984. published the Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris on the Christian meaning of human suffering, and the following year established this Pontifical Council for the pastoral care of health workers, so I consider it significant to establish the same anniversary for the celebration of the “World Day of the Sick”. Namely, “together with Mary, the Mother of Christ, who was under the Cross, we stop at all the crosses of today’s man” (Salvifici Doloris, 31). And Lourdes, the favorite Christian shrine among Christians, is a place and a symbol of Hope and Mercy in the sign of accepting and offering salvific suffering. Therefore, I am asking you to draw the attention of those responsible for pastoral care in healthcare, within the episcopal conferences, as well as national and international organizations, which deal with the broad field of healthcare, to the establishment of this “World Day of the Sick”, so that in accordance with local needs and occasions, took proper care of his celebration with the contribution of all God’s people: priests, religious men and women, and lay believers. For this purpose, the concern of this Dicastery will be the implementation of appropriate publicity and animation initiatives, so that the “World Day of the Sick” would be a powerful moment of prayer, sharing, offering suffering for the good of the Church and a reminder to everyone to recognize the holy Face of Christ in the face of a sick brother, who brought the Salvation of mankind through Passion, Death and Resurrection.

4. While I hope for the full cooperation of everyone for the best start and development of this “Day”, I entrust its supernatural effectiveness to the maternal intercession of Mary “Salus Infirmorum” and the intercession of St. John of God and Kamila de Lellis, patrons of healthcare institutions and healthcare workers. May these saints want to spread more and more the fruits of the apostolate of love, which the modern world needs very much. These wishes are supported by the apostolic blessing, which I bestow from the bottom of my heart on you, Mr. Cardinal, and on those who help you in your caring work in the service of the sick.


  1. https://www.vatican.va/