saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and church teacher

saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and church teacher

From the story of her life


Formerly Caterina Benincasa, she was born on March 25, 1347, as the penultimate of twenty-five children of a cloth dyer, in Siena. The third-order girl entered the Dominican convent as a seventeen-year-old, against her parents’ wishes.

Loud in revelations, visions, ecstasies, as well as stigmata, she had no training, but with her spirituality, as well as the zeal of her own apostolate, and charitable work… she gained the respect of church dignitaries, as well as artists and rulers.


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© The sanctity of mystical engagements, in the midst of Love, Peace, and the self-giving of Christ the Redeemer St. Catherine of Siena


When the plague was ravaging Italy (1374), courting the sick, she took care of all those in need, while she would spend the last years of her life traveling. Active, combative, determined and above all brave, she instilled confidence in everyone.

She will significantly influence the events of important areas of life of her time, such as the return of the Pope from Avignon to Rome, and the communication of Heaven to the Roman Curia, etc. Occupying Pope Urban VI, she is painfully affected by the beginnings of the Western schism.


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© Chapel of St. Catherine of Siena in the interior of the church of St. Sabine (Rome)


She writes her works in Italian. Among her works, the Dialogue on Divine Providence stands out, while her Letters has an ecstatic and energetic style, above all, a strong language. Eternally at the center of her works is the principle of love for the church, man and the whole world.

On this day, in 1380, Catherine dies in Rome. Pope Pius II declared her holy in 1461, and Pope Paul VI. In 1970, she became a church teacher. May she protect us and follow her holy, heavenly intercession.



God, You gave St. Catherine the ardor of divine Love in contemplating the Lord’s Passion and serving Your Church. Through her intercession, join us to the Mystery of Christ, so that we may always rejoice in the Revelation of His Glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  2. Holy Choir for Divine Worship (1997); Chronology of the Roman Rite, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb