Cathedral of St. Peter, the apostle

Cathedral of St. Peter, the apostle


Speaking about the Cathedral of St. Peter (Cathedra sancti Petri), the apostle… we mean the relic, that is, the papal throne in the church of St. Peter, the apostle in Rome… we could say in a figurative sense that we mean the Chair of St. Peter or the Holy See.

In diplomatic terms, since the Middle Ages, this term referred to the Pope himself and the Vatican State (Santa Sede).

Since the 4th century, the feast of the Cathedral of St. Petra was celebrated on this day as a sign of the unity of the Church, built on Christ’s Vicar.

It is the day when we remember the Gospel text of St. Matthew, especially dear to the heart of every Catholic… through which we learn that it is Peter who is the foundation of our Church. Jesus said to Peter: “You are Peter the Rock and on that rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, so whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven; and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven” (Mt 16, 18-19).

The words “rock” and “keys” clearly refer to Peter’s person, and speak of the strength of his faith, as well as the authority entrusted to him.

Peter’s Chair… has been venerated since early Christian times, especially as a symbol of papal teaching authority. Popes once used it as a throne, and therefore it is considered that it was used by St. Peter, the apostle. However, in 875, it was presented to the popes by Emperor Karlo Ćelavi.

It has been preserved to this day, and consists of three parts… The oldest dates back to apostolic times; the other, made of ivory from V. or VI. century, and the latest from the period IX to XI. century. From 1647 to 1653, the gilded bronze paneling was made by the famous sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

This holiday, the Cathedral of St. Peter, the apostle as a kind of permanent symbol, reminds us of the fact that Christ the Lord appointed his vicar on Earth, assigned him the role of teacher and shepherd, and his service and mission extends as an unbroken and unbreakable chain, until modern times.

Truly, the “gates of hell” will not and cannot overcome his Church.


Almighty God, You have firmly established us on the rock of Peter’s faith. Don’t let the confusion of this world sway us! Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  1. (visited: 22. february 2022. at 1:30)
  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb