With the Peace of Christ

With the Peace of Christ

Reading of the Holy Gospel of John
(Jh 14, 27-31a)


At that time: Jesus said to his disciples:
“I leave you in peace,
I give you my peace.
I give It to you, but not as the world gives.
Let not your heart be troubled, and let it not be afraid.
You heard, I told you:
‘I am leaving and coming back to you’.
If you would love me, you would rejoice
that I go to the Father,
for the Father is greater than I.
I told you now,
before it happens
to believe when it happens.
I won’t talk to you much anymore
for the prince of the world is coming.
He can’t do anything against me.
But let the world know that I love the Father
and to do as the Father commanded me.”


Word of God.


Dearest in Christ,

I would very much like for us to truly rejoice over the holiness and presence of God’s Word even today… provided and addressed to all of us.

The Word of Truth, truly speaks about Peace and the Father, but also about the prince of the world, whom Christ himself announced was coming… who can do nothing against Christ, but who strikes at Christ’s favorites… the favorites of the Soul and Heart of Jesus himself.

What is Christ saying…? I leave and come back… Get to know that Grace… that Beauty… that Blessing… because Jesus doesn’t do this for himself, but because of the Father’s commands, but the Father’s commands clearly indicate that the reality of Life begins exactly where it seems to almost every person life itself completed… as if the very reality of permanence had stopped…

Lord, grant us true Love to understand reality, especially the relationship between You and the Father… Your departure and Your offering of Peace to us, sinners.

Today I invite you to pray fervently for conversion, for acceptance of God’s reality in which we are, and for Peace in our hearts and in the world.


  1. Holy Congregation for Divine Worship (2007); Order of Readings, Svagdanja Čitanja, Krsćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb