To a man of hope, love, but also of the future... I would dare to say... injustice is never clear. Dying, man is born... Giving birth, he survives... Let me observe You with the eyes of a curious child. And all of us in our hearts are still in some conscious or subconscious way - afraid. St. Archangel Michael, pray for us. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. (Jn 14, 14) What is the key to Fulfillment or the key to Happiness in your life? ... and thus persevere in integrity, doing what the heart beats for. Come to me Jesus... this day, this night... With God we can survive. So, love with Love... heart with Heart, hand with Hand... The most beautiful name of love and more than a sign and more than words is the heart. Therefore, kiss, hug and accept... ... be with us with the Mantle of your heavenly Mercy. Love that is so much needed and important in this time...
To a man of hope, love, but also of the future... I would dare to say... injustice is never clear. Dying, man is born... Giving birth, he survives... Let me observe You with the eyes of a curious child. And all of us in our hearts are still in some conscious or subconscious way - afraid. St. Archangel Michael, pray for us. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. (Jn 14, 14) What is the key to Fulfillment or the key to Happiness in your life? ... and thus persevere in integrity, doing what the heart beats for. Come to me Jesus... this day, this night... With God we can survive. So, love with Love... heart with Heart, hand with Hand... The most beautiful name of love and more than a sign and more than words is the heart. Therefore, kiss, hug and accept... ... be with us with the Mantle of your heavenly Mercy. Love that is so much needed and important in this time...