Recognize the Fruit of Eternity

Recognize the Fruit of Eternity

Reading of the Holy Gospel of Matthew
(Mt 7, 15-20)


At that time: Jesus said to his disciples:
“Beware of false prophets
who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
and inside the wolves are predatory.
You will recognize them by their fruits.
Are grapes picked from thorns?
or from the prickly fig?
Thus every good tree bears good fruit,
and the wicked tree bears evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit
nor a naughty tree of good fruits.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit
it is cut and thrown into the fire.
So: you will recognize them by their fruits.”

Word of God.


But it is too dear to us, today in a special way, to recognize the Fruit of Eternity… to recognize the Creator… Creator as well as Sustainer of the Fruit of Eternity.

Who gives this Good to this Earth, if not God himself?! … if not the Lord himself?! And it is quite logical that Jesus himself speaks about almost illogical realities in which man so often gets involved: “Are grapes picked from thorns or figs from thorns?”

How tragic it is to live in this ignorance… in the illogicality of all that injustice that is so often served and allowed… almost at odds with one’s own intelligence, where a healthy, intelligent person allows terrible omissions… but in the end, only this remains: you will recognize them by their fruits.

I can definitely recognize the Fruit of Eternity through holy prayer… We offer you a prayer every day and we hope that you take it seriously and that it is like a drop of refreshment to a thirsty man… like a ray of the Sun to a man in the cold… like a ray of the Sun after gloomy clouds and gray… because that too what we can see with the naked eye should not be ignored… God allowed it… We want to appreciate and recognize that…

Behind all those little things, yet significant realities, God makes it known how to recognize the Fruit of Eternity itself.


  1. Sveta kongregacija za bogoštovlje (2009.); Red Čitanja, Svagdanja Čitanja, Kršćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb