Preserve Wisdom

Preserve Wisdom

Reading of the Holy Gospel of Matthew
(Mt 7, 6. 12-14)


At that time: Jesus said to his disciples:
»Don’t give the holy things to the dogs!
Do not cast your pearls before swine
not to be trampled underfoot
then they turn and tear you apart.
Everything, then, that you want
that people do to you,
do the same to them.
It is, indeed, the Law and the Prophets.
Enter the narrow gate!
Because door that are wide
and a wide road
which leads to ruin
and there are many who follow it.
Oh how narrow doors are
and a narrow path
which leads to Life
and there are few who find it!”


Word of the Lord


Dear ones in Christ, these holy words of Jesus teach us how to behave towards ourselves, and even more towards our neighbors. These words are the holy reality – the Law and the Prophets, as the Son of Holy Eternity said. Those words should really educate us on the way to preserve Wisdom… because it is important to give, but we must be very careful about what we give, to whom we give and how we give.

Pearls to preserve Wisdom, it is very necessary to carefully and carefully store them in the most sacred areas of our lives, and these can be our work and our freedom… these can be our loved ones and our most sincere ones that we want to share only with a holy person, only with a precious to keep as a friend and not to reveal it to anyone as a sacred secret. I would like to ask you: what is this precious pearl to you?

I am sure that there is something sacred in our life that we want to share, but with whom! I would dare to say, dear brothers and sisters… I would dare to exclaim… that only God and almost no one knows how to preserve this human privacy… man’s sacred dignity… because today everything is public… everything Spilled dirty water and trampled bland salt water is no longer useful to anyone.

What is the use of giving away all privacy, all preciousness, and losing the sanctity of Wisdom at the same time?! Therefore, carefully towards the Future… towards Eternity…


  1. Sveta kongregacija za bogoštovlje (2009.); Red Čitanja, Svagdanja Čitanja, Kršćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb