Light of Hope

Light of Hope

Reading of the Holy Gospel of Matthew
(Mt 5, 13-19)


At that time:
Jesus said to his disciples:
»You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt becomes salty,
what will she salt itself with?
It’s no use anymore,
rather than being thrown out
and for people to step on it.
You are the light of the world.
The city cannot be hidden
which lies on the mountain.
Nor does the lamp get narrower
to be put under the plate,
but on the candlestick
to shine for everyone in the house.
So let your light shine
in front of people
to see your good deeds
and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.
I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.
Verily, I say unto you,
until Heaven and Earth pass,
no, not a single letter, not a single sentence from the Law
it won’t pass, until they all come true.
Whoever, therefore, abolishes one of these,
even the smallest commands
and thus teach men,
the least will be in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever does them also teaches others,
he will be great in the kingdom of heaven.”

Word of God.


Dearest in Christ,

we are truly called to be a true light of Hope… to almost everyone around us. So, not only those we love and accept with our hearts in a special way… but absolutely everyone, because each of us deserves our own chance before the Truth… before the Word of Love and Hope… before the Living God.

Reading those important features, as well as important events from the life of St. Justin, the martyr… the saint of this day, the beginning of the month of June… we see how the Wisdom of the Word is glorified by an old man… it leads him to Jesus… while the very knowledge of Jesus leads him to the crown of martyrdom.

How to become… how to be a light of Hope to our fellow human beings? We often try to do this somehow with the word or example of some other important characters from the past, and only rarely with our own example. However, one’s own example… one’s own, but true experience of life… holy encouragements and touches with Wisdom… really educate, and lead to the right path, the path of Hope.

Embrace the little ones and bring them to the Word more and more often, because the Word is God… It is the Living God… Immortal God… God, who is eternally with his people.

We pray fervently today for this important intention… especially the intention of the Heart of Mercy, Love and Hope… the intention of our Mother Mary… and also the intention of the Holy Church.



  1. Holy choir for worship (1991.); Red Čitanja, Svetačka Čitanja, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb