To yourself

To yourself

Reading of the Holy Gospel of John
(Jh 19, 25-27)


At that time: Next to the Cross of Jesus stood His Mother, then His Mother’s sister, Mary Cleofina and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw the Mother and next to Her the disciple whom He loved, He said to the Mother: “Woman! Here is your son!” Then he said to the student: “Here is your Mother!”

And from that hour the student took her to himself!


Word of God.



it is neither something egoistic… nor self-interested, nor selfish… but it is grace for which Heaven raises us… for which the holiness of the disciple whom the Lord, our Jesus Christ, loves teaches us.

The Gospel Word of this commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church… interesting how it takes us to the cross. How sweet it is, and how painful it is! It is dear to the heart where a holy, universal and unique Church is born.

The Holy Fathers of the Church, throughout almost the entire history of the Church’s existence… taught us, but they also teach us how to surrender to the Mother of the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary… how to take her seriously.

Why the title “To yourself”? Precisely because we too can be that disciple whom both the Lord and Heaven loved… And precisely because we, today, can hear in our hearts the words: Here is your son! Yes, with the surrender of our soul and our whole being… let us be sons and daughters of Mother Church, Mother Mary.

And therefore, try not to offend the Church, because Her Mother is not just anyone, but the Blessed Virgin Mary! … because the Son of Eternity, who gave himself up for all of us, leads the same Church as the Sun… Yes, the Church is holy and is called to remain honorable and holy…

We pray today, with our whole being, for the holiness, dignity and love of the Church.



  1. Holy choir for worship (1991.); Red Čitanja, Svetačka Čitanja, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb