saint Joseph the Worker

saint Joseph the Worker

While about St. Joseph, the betrothed of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the godfather of Jesus, and the protector of the Croatian people… we will learn more in the middle of the holiday, March 19… today we honor him with joy as the patron of work and workers.

Pope Pius XII. introduces into the church year the Memorial of St. Josip Radnik, in 1955… determining that this commemoration is celebrated on May 1, on the day “which the world of work has chosen as its holiday”.

The “Second International”, an international association of workers, decided in 1889 that 1. May is celebrated as World Labor Day.

About st. Joseph, that same year, Pope Leo XIII. publishes his encyclical, which directs workers, as well as all people of modest means, to St. Joseph and as a role model, and as an example to follow.

Only in the Gospel of St. Matthew, the apostle… more precisely, where Jesus’ visit to Nazareth is described (Mt 13, 53-58), it is written: Is not this the carpenter’s son? (Mt 13, 55) – referring to St. Joseph, as well as his profession.

With this memorial, the Church wants to express its special respect for work, including workers… since through work, a Christian “contributes to the historical realization of God’s plan”.

The work of St. Joseph… daily and persistent, testifies to the readiness to serve in the midst of faithful obedience to the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, as well as the work of Redemption. There is the meaning of both work and employees.

Pope Pius XII will call St. Joseph as “the purest, holiest, and most exalted of all God’s creatures”.

Today, let’s not forget how this silent, saintly giant, as well as the greatest spiritual giant… is a model of faithfulness and steadfastness, while he was a carpenter by profession.

May today’s Memorial of St. be blessed for all of us. Joseph the Worker, as well as Labor Day, 1. May.



God, Creator of the whole world, you gave the human race the law of work. Grant us that, following the example and intercession of St. Joseph, we may carry out the task you order us to do and receive the reward you promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  2. Holy Choir for Divine Worship (1997); Chronology of the Roman Rite, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb