saint Anthony of Padua, presbyter and church teacher

saint Anthony of Padua, presbyter and church teacher

From the story of his life


Let’s celebrate the memory of the Portuguese Franciscan, preacher and church teacher – “Doctor Evangelicus”, the memory of almost the most popular saint of the Catholic Church.

15. August 1195 Fernando Martins de Bulhões was born in Lisbon – a descendant of a noble Lisbon family.

At the age of twenty, he entered the Order of Regular Canons of St. Augustine in Lisbon, and then transferred to the monastery of St. Cross in Coimbra.

Careful study of the Holy Scriptures and the works of the holy fathers, especially St. Augustine, it was of great importance for him, as a future preacher.

He was probably ordained a priest in 1219. Because of the heroism of the martyrs in Africa, he fell in love with the Franciscans, and joined their order, taking the name Anthony.

He worked as a missionary in Morocco in 1220. Although he wanted to return to his homeland, a storm threw him to Sicily.

Around Spirits, in 1221, he met St. Francis in Assisi.

Both in Italy and in France, he worked as a professor of theology, and as a famous preacher… in various cities. He sowed seeds of words everywhere, like Jesus. He strove to be a conciliator of quarrels, as well as a restorer of neglected religious and moral life.

His speeches are characterized by extraordinary warmth, mystical rapture, as well as veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

He expressly taught the doctrine that Mary “was taken up to Heaven in body and soul”.

He died in Arcelli near Padua, on this day in 1231. He was declared a saint by Pope Gregory XI in 1232. years. He was proclaimed a teacher of the Church in 1946 by Pope Pius XII.

And while many artists, such as Donatello, Murillo and others, depict him with the Child Jesus, the faithful call upon him especially in cases of illness, searching for lost things, and amputation of limbs.

Protector of faith in the Most Holy Altar Sacrament, the sick, unmarried girls, as well as pregnant women… fishermen, boatmen, travelers, sailors… the oppressed, the poor… animals… the harvest, the harvest, and the mail… Portugal, Brazil, Padua… many dioceses, settlements, churches, parishes, and chapels around the world, pray for us.


Almighty eternal God, You made St. Anthony a distinguished preacher and advocate in life for Your people. Grant us to follow the teachings of the Christian life and feel Your Help in all trials. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb