saint Barnaba, apostol

saint Barnaba, apostol

From the story of his life


We celebrate the apostle, and at the same time the martyr – St. Barnabas… saint from the 1st century.

Once upon a time, Joseph the Levite, also a learned Hellenist from Cyprus, accepted Christianity after the death of Jesus Christ, and at the same time we count him among the first seventy disciples of Christ.

In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke will write about him: He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. By selling his land, he donates the money to St. Peter. Peter, the Apostle… and this money is given to the needs of the first Christian community.


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© The apostles give the blessing of St. Paul and Barnabas in Jerusalem – stained glass window of the Anglican Church of All Saints, workshops Clayton and Hall, 19. st.


He is called Barnabas by the apostles. But while almost all the apostles were in fear, Barnabas becomes the first confidant of Paul’s conversion, and of not being a persecutor of Christians. In this way, he brings it to the apostles.

We consider him the founder of the Christian Antioch community; according to the Acts of the Apostolic Associate of St. Paul, as well as his companion on his first voyage (to Cyprus and Asia Minor).

He was the main promoter of the universalism of Christianity, and with the Apostle Paul, almost the beginning of breaking the boundaries of Judaism.


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© The inner courtyard of the monastery of St. Barnabe near Famagusta, Cyprus


After parting ways with St. Paul, the apostle, because of Paul’s disagreement with his nephew, the evangelist Mark… with Mark, he worked successfully in Cyprus, preaching the Gospel almost independently to Hellenistic circles.

There are some later legends, according to which he acted in Rome… There he baptized Clement, Pope of Rome. It also remains known how he operated in Milan and Bergamo.

Because of his beauty, and even his height, he was considered the god Jupiter, the god to whom they wanted to make sacrifices. However, around 61 AD, in Salamis (east coast of Cyprus), he was stoned and burned. In 478, his body was found with a manuscript from the Gospel of Matthew on his chest. With this Gospel, he preached and healed the sick.

Patron saint of peacemakers, as well as of Cyprus and Antioch, and of the many parishes, churches and chapels around the world, pray for us.


God, You have commanded that St. Barnabas, a man full of Faith and the Holy Spirit, set aside for the conversion of the pagan peoples. Grant that even today the Annunciation of Christ, which he has preached tirelessly, may be proclaimed with zeal in word and deed. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb