Pray and love

Pray and love

Reading of the Holy Gospel according to John (Jn 17, 20-26)


At that time: Jesus raised his eyes to Heaven and prayed: “Holy Father! I’m not just asking for these but also for them who will believe in me at their word: for all to be one as You, Father, are in me and I in You, let them be in us too that the world may believe that You sent me. And the glory you gave me I gave them: to be one as we are one – me in them and you in me, so that they are perfectly one that the world may know that You have sent me and loved them as you loved me.  

Father, I want the ones you gave me too be where i am that they may also be with me: to see my glory, the glory You gave me because You loved me before the foundation of the world. righteous Father, the world has not known You, I met You; and these also know that You sent me. And I manifested Your Name to them, and I will further declare, Yes, the love with which You loved me be in them – and me in them.«


Word of God.


that the Love with which You are me, Jesus, in a unique, holy… but also so dignified way, raises its eyes to Heaven… therefore, raises and directs its holy Look towards the One from whom everything began… towards Him whom the ages have been waiting for in one way or another… he raises his gaze, both of his Soul and his Heart… and also of his entire Being, precisely towards his Father.

Oh, what humility… Oh, what hiddenness… where smallness is born, and then the cry of intercession of the One who is God Himself… the One who is one with the Father…

Jesus, brothers and sisters, pray for us too… because today we too have opened the Scriptures… because today we too have recognized that He is in us and in our hearts… no matter how impure and muddy they are… .and sinful and miserable she was… nothing can separate the Creator from the creature, especially if it is the Will of the Creator… because He loves… He forgives… He bestows.

It remains for us to believe, but also to act according to Faith. Fires and floods also happen… storms happen… and the world… and people… who do they turn to?! To whom are they recommended today?! As soon as they seal their body?! Where did that ardor of cries disappear, as it was once and St. Bernard, whom we celebrate today and so many saints had… lived… preserved and spread… ?!

Truly, we are left with humble hearts to pray and love.



  1. Holy choir for worship (1991.); Red Čitanja, Svetačka Čitanja, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb