With the little ones

With the little ones

Reading of the Holy Gospel of Mark
(Mk 10, 13-16)


At that time: They brought little children to Jesus to touch them, and the disciples defended them. Noticing this, Jesus became angry and said to them: “Let the little children come to me; do not hinder them, for such is the Kingdom of God! Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child, no, he will not enter it.” Then he embraced them and blessed them, laying his hands on them.


Word of God.


This unique message, this Saturday, in a special way wakes us up, encourages and calls us to love the little ones, as well as to the truthfulness of our approach to those who are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, Love and Peace…

With a true approach, full of Love and Hope… it is for us today and forever to receive such small, humble, and almost holy human beings.

Let us embrace, like the Son of holy Eternity, and bless with prayer… all orphans, all children in pain and suffering… suffering and torment… exile and hand them over to the Kingdom of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit… fervently crying out for them especially today, and blessing them with heart and mind.



  1. Sveta kongregacija za bogoštovlje (2009.); Red Čitanja, Svagdanja Čitanja, Kršćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb