To be one

To be one

Reading of the Holy Gospel of John
(Jh 17, 20-26)


At that time: Jesus raised his eyes to Heaven and prayed:
“I’m not just praying for these
but also for them
who will believe in me at their word:
for all to be one
as You, Father, in me
and I in You,
let them be in us too
that the world may believe that You sent me.
And the glory you gave me
I gave them:
to be one
as we are one –
me in them and you in me,
so that they are perfectly one
that the world may know that You have sent me
and loved them as you loved me.


I want the ones you gave me too
be where i am
that they may also be with me:
to see my glory,
the glory You gave me
because You loved me
before the foundation of the world.


righteous Father,
the world has not met You,
I met You;
and these also know
that You sent me.
And I manifested Your name to them,
and I will further declare,
that the love with which You loved me
be in them
– and me in them.«


Word of God.


Today, dear brothers and sisters, it is truly for us to consider how to be one.

To be one… this prayer of Jesus truly points us to that. When he prays, he doesn’t just pray for unity with the Father, just as he doesn’t just pray for unity with the apostles… but he prays for true, holy and indestructible unity with all of us, who have believed in Him according to this Word of His messengers today… by the Word that binds us and educates us for Love.

To be one… it is very possible to realize that beauty, that reality and that blessing… and even reach Glory… if we approach the reality that the Holy Scriptures, as well as the holy teachings of the Church… bring us with prayer and faith. That reality… To that Holiness… let’s try to truly surrender, already today.

Having recourse to the Mother, the Queen of Peace, but also the Queen of Unity… we pray fervently for this intention of Jesus, the intention of unity.


  1. Holy Congregation for Divine Worship (2007); Order of Readings, Svagdanja Čitanja, Krsćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb