With the Spirit of Truth

With the Spirit of Truth

Reading of the Holy Gospel of John
(Jh 15, 26 – 16, 4a)


At that time: Jesus said to his disciples:
»When the Defender comes
whom I will send to you from the Father
– The Spirit of Truth that proceeds from the Father –
he will testify for me.
You too will testify
because you have been with me from the beginning.
That’s what I was telling you
don’t be fooled.
They will excommunicate you from the synagogues.
Moreover, the hour is coming
when everyone who kills you will
think that he serves God.
And he will do that
because they did not know the Father or me.
I was telling you this
that when the time comes,
remember I told you.’

Word of God.


Too dear in Christ… too dear in the Spirit of Truth…

may this Gospel according to John, in a special way, encourage us today to reflect on the holiness of love for those who are not given… who do not understand the holiness of the Scriptures… about love for those who truly need sincere and persistent… wholehearted prayer

Not everyone is given to recognize the Truth… just as not everyone is given to understand the Mysteries of Love, Grace and Unity of the Father and the Son… Not everyone is given… But with the Spirit of Truth, we are to walk in the present and in the future… With the Spirit of Truth, in the midst of prayer and love for the persecutors… we can truly act and live.

The hour is coming… Jesus is speaking to us and we want to open our heart, spirit and whole being for that hour… and at the same time prepare ourselves, because it is for us to recognize him in the Son of the Father, and through the Son from the Father and receive the Spirit of Truth.

We fervently pray, especially today… that the Truth, which we met in the middle of the Road to Life – Jesus Christ – works in all areas of our lives. Oh, if that Truth would reign over the blinded realities of this world… Oh, if only our persecutors, as well as the enemies of life and religion… recognized the Truth… Everything would be easier, because they too would long to walk with the Spirit of Truth… This is another incentive for us to pray for them.

Lord, open the eyes of our hearts and allow us to follow You in everything and hope…


  1. Holy Congregation for Divine Worship (2007); Order of Readings, Svagdanja Čitanja, Krsćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb