Let’s rejoice!

Let’s rejoice!

Reading of the Holy Gospel of John
(Jh 16, 20-23a)


At that time: Jesus said to his disciples:
“Verily, verily, I say unto you:
you will cry and wail,
and the world will rejoice.
You will grieve,
but your sorrow will turn into joy.
When a woman gives birth, she is sad
for her hour has come;
but when she gives birth to a child,
no more mention of torment
from the joy that man was born into the world.
So you too:
now you are in mourning
but I will see you again;
and your heart will rejoice
and no one will rob you of your joy.
On that day you will ask me nothing more.”


Word of God.



today I truly want to let you know, following the example of Jesus’ words… The apparitions of Jesus to the disciples… that you may truly rejoice… Let’s rejoice! Let this joy of ours be true, but also complete, because our Lord does not leave us, but remains with us forever…

Maybe now we are in some pains, even difficult moments of life, but let’s rejoice… It is a great thing to be able to realize and be sure that the Lord is there! It is a great thing to be able to feel His nearness… His presence… Him in His being as He truly is…

We look for various ways of getting rid of problems or healing pain… but such an effective way is precisely Him and that in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar… All the more, already now… already here… in our hearts and depths of soul… He just is… Understand that and accept that – Grace is also a Gift…

Let us rejoice like a mother to her child… like a woman who has just given birth, and already sees and rejoices in her child… Let’s rejoice, because life is fleeting… With joy, peace of heart… let’s go to Eternity, in which we already are.


  1. Holy Congregation for Divine Worship (2007); Order of Readings, Svagdanja Čitanja, Krsćanska Sadašnjost, Zagreb