saint Bridget, nun

saint Bridget, nun

From the story of his life


Today we remember the daughter of the judge and landowner Birger Persson, who was born in 1302. or 1303. in the castle of Finsta, in the Swedish province of Uppland.

Visions of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, already at the age of seven. At the age of ten, she listens to the sermon on the Passion of Jesus, which has a great effect on her, and remains in her, under her impression… lifelong.

By her father’s will, she married Ulf Gudmarsson at a very young age, and bore him eight children, becoming an exemplary wife and mother. She spent twenty-eight years in marriage, lucky that her husband was a God-fearing, gentle and good man. Our Lady’s recommendation: Strive for your children to become mine, Brigita fulfilled perfectly.

She was the heart and soul of a large family, and a large house with many servants and a rich estate. She somehow managed to do everything, having time to take care of everything, and in addition to everything, to pray and meditate on the Passion of Christ. Fasting a lot, she did penance. Strict, in a way, she was in Lent, and especially cared for the poor, sick and stumbling girls.


centered image

© The amber altar of the church of St. Dedicated on December 16, 2017. Next to the altar we find sculptures of Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski; Gdansk (Poland)


1346. After the death of her husband Ulf, Brigita founded a women’s religious community in Vadstena – the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, whose branches are still active throughout the world today.

Increasingly entering the public life of the Church and of the Europe of her time, she played a peaceful, mediating role even among the quarreling kings. She also advocated the return of the popes from Avignon to Rome.

Committed to improving the moral life of bishops and priests, living in Rome for years, she knew how to take care of pilgrims who came to Rome from the European north. Taking care of the accommodation of these pilgrims, she was even more concerned that the priests preach to them, and that they also confess them in their own language.

1372. years of pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Reflecting on the Lordship of God, she also reflected on Justice. Her thoughts were always imbued with God’s Mercy.

In her works, medieval devotion comes to the fore, especially that towards the humanity of Christ and the Blessed Virgin. He also speaks of angels.

She died on this day in 1373 in Rome. She was buried in Vadstena in 1374.

Pope Boniface IX canonized her in 1391.


Lord our God, You revealed the heavenly Mysteries to St. Bridget as she contemplated the Passion of Jesus. Allow us to imitate the Suffering of Your Son, so that we may be partakers of His Glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.  


  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb