saint Benedict, Abbot

saint Benedict, Abbot

From the story of his life


In addition to establishing his own order… our saint of the day, St. Benedict is also remembered as the “father of Western monasticism”, and at the same time a giant of Western European Christian culture. Born around 480 in Nursia (Umbria), as a young Roman patrician, he received his education in Rome, and in 497 he retired to a cave on a cliff in a deserted area (today Subiaco, Lazio).

There, living as a hermit, he gathered his disciples. A tame raven, according to tradition, brought him food. Around 529, he founded and built the monastery of Monte Cassino in Campagna – the mother abbey, as well as the center of religious life for several centuries. Having studied the monastic rule of St. Basil the Great, at the instigation of his twin sister, Scholastic… he wrote the Religious Rules, the first code of monasticism of the West. It was here that Roman jurisprudence and Christian piety were united with practical aims.


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© The first house of the Benedictine order, founded by Benedict of Nursia himself around 529. year


His motto is Ora et labora! (Pray and work!), is known with the motto “Put down your swords!” God’s work or God’s service, nothing else can be assumed!” – this was a significant program within his communities that allowed itself to be manifested as the main rule. Benedictine life is framed and imbued with the sacred liturgy.

On these foundations, St. Benedict, with God’s help, founded a Europe of work and peace. He possessed the gift of prophecy, as well as the reading of conscience. Surrendering his life into the hands of God on March 21, 547, he died in Monte Cassino (today the province of Frosinone, Lazio). In his second book of the Dialogues, Pope Gregory the Great gives humanity the biography of St. Gregory the Great. Benedict. He was canonized by Pope Honorius III in 1220, and the patron saint of Europe by Pope Paul VI in 1964.

God, in Saint Abbot Benedict you have given the peoples of Europe a true teacher of Christian life, work and culture. Grant us above all to appreciate Your Love and to walk generously on the path of Your commandments. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb