saint Pius X, Pope

saint Pius X, Pope

From the story of his life


Today’s St. was born as Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto. Pius X, Pope on June 2, 1835 in Riese, near Treviso. He was the second of ten children of a poor shoemaker and postman.

After graduating from the seminary in Padua, he became a priest in 1858, and then a canon in 1875, as well as a professor of dogmatic and moral theology in Treviso. In 1884, he became the bishop of Mantua, while he became the cardinal and patriarch of Venice in 1893, after which he was elected pope in 1903.

During the election of the Pope, he ended the right of veto, which was held by Spain, France and Austria. He reduced tensions between the Italian state and the Holy See, and allowed Italian Catholics to participate in elections as well as in political life.

He did a lot in liturgical renewal; founded the Bible Institute in Rome, reformed and remodeled the Roman Curia; promoted the teaching of Christianity, as well as piety, and also advocated daily communion. The collection of ecclesiastical law was published by him.

Deeply shaken by the outbreak of the First World War, he died on this day in 1914. Pope Pius XII will proclaim him blessed in 1951, and a saint in 1954.


God, You filled Saint Pope Pius with heavenly wisdom and apostolic courage to defend the Catholic faith and bring everyone to Christ. Let us follow his teaching and example, and attain eternal reward. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.



  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb