saint Matthias, the apostle

saint Matthias, the apostle

From the story of his life


In the 1st century, in Judea, our saint was born. Matthias, the apostle… Jesus’ disciple, according to St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, the disciple who was chosen by the eleven apostles after the suicide of Judas Iscariot, in his place.

It is written exactly in the election of Matthias how the share in the ministry of the apostles was to be fulfilled. Then they roll two dice… Joseph, who was called Barsabas, and called himself Just and Matthias, the dice fell on Matthias: thus he would be counted among the eleven apostles.

Often, St. Matthias, is mentioned in early Christian literature, as well as in apocryphal writings. According to legend, St. Matthias worked in Palestine, Cappadocia, Egypt and Ethiopia. He dies as a martyr, and according to martyrdom, according to some, he is nailed to a cross, and according to others, he is stoned and beheaded.

He most likely died a martyr’s death around the age of 80. According to some it was in Colchis, and according to others in Jerusalem. In the basilica of St. Mary the Great, in Rome… his relics are preserved, as well as in the abbey of St. Matthias in Trier.


God, You joined St. Matthias to the apostolic choir. Through his intercession, let your love fall on us too, and count us among your chosen ones. According to the Lord.

  2. Holy Choir for Divine Worship (1997); Chronology of the Roman Rite, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb