Birth of St. John the Baptist

Birth of St. John the Baptist

From the story of his life


The Evangelist Luke, in the first chapter of his own Holy Gospel, describes the reality surrounding the birth of St. John the Baptist. Our St. John the Baptist was precisely the forerunner of Jesus Christ, as well as an Old Testament prophet, preacher, and ascetic. He was the son of the priest Zacharias, and Elizabeth… the cousin of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Archangel Gabriel announced John’s conception to Zacharias. Due to suspicion in the middle of both his own and his wife’s advanced age, he remains mute until Ivan’s birth.

During her pregnancy, the Blessed Virgin Mary visited Elizabeth, who was also pregnant. Along with Her journey, as well as the birth of John the Baptist, there are two famous New Testament hymns: Mary’s Magnificence and Zechariah’s Blessed is the Lord God of Israel.

As a penitent and preacher, our saint retreats to the desert. Ivan… gathers disciples there, and at the same time preaches spiritual revival. Dressed in a dress made of sharp camel’s hair, and girded with a leather belt… he fed on locusts and wild honey. He is so respected that during his lifetime he was not only considered a saint, but even the Promised One… A savior.

Concealed and humble as always, he also knew how to give an answer, especially to the priests of his time: I baptize you with water, and after me comes the One who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

What would this mean by fire… let alone numerous martyrdoms. While from Jesus, the Baptist will be addressed: He was not born greater than a woman.

He foretold the Messiah, recognizing Him in the person of Jesus Christ. Presenting Him to the crowd, he baptizes Him in the Jordan.

It is interesting that because of the admonition of the marriage of the tetrarch Herod Agrippa with his cousin Herodias, he was imprisoned and his head was cruelly beheaded.


Almighty God, let Your family follow the exhortations of St. John the Baptist, step on the path of Salvation and safely reach the One whom he announced, the Lord Jesus Christ. Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.


  2. Holy choir for worship (2017.); Časoslov Rimskog Obreda, Kršćanska sadašnjost, Zagreb